
AI Special Edition @ Upper Bound

May 22 2024 630pm @ Amii

RSVP here

Join us on Wednesday May 22 at 630pm for Democamp57 at Amii HQ - 10065 Jasper Ave, head up the stairs to the 2nd floor. As always, beers/drinks to follow afterwards. All are welcome! This special edition coincides with Upper Bound, Amii's AI conference which attracts over 3000 attendees annually!

If you're interested in demoing at a future democamp 👀 Fill out the form below - this is NOT a guarantee you'll be demoing, we have lots of applicants to consider. If you don't hear from us, we would love to see you in the audience and we can chat after about your demo!

(democamp57 FULL! Democamp58 in Sept - apply now!)